Curious about how to make moving day as easy on you and your family as possible? Our outline can help.
Moving day starts well before the movers arrive. Whether movers are packing your belonging or not, set aside items that should not go on the moving truck and label them “Do not pack.”
Before the movers arrive, ensure there is room for the moving truck to park. If you live in an apartment, you might need to reserve parking spaces for the moving truck in advance.
As you prepare for the movers to arrive, remove all floor mats and keep the walkways clear.
The moving specialists at your home will answer your questions as best as they can. The individual driving the moving truck is generally the crew’s supervisor, making them your go-to person if you have a concern.
Ensure you have the correct contact information for the driver and ask if the movers are going to load your boxes onto a different truck later. Give the driver details directions to your new home, as well as your contact information.
For the sake of safety, it is a good idea to keep children and pets occupied and out of the way on moving day. Depending on the amount of attention your pet or child needs, it might be worth hiring a sitter so you can focus on the dozens of other things happening.
Make moving day easier for kids by packing their favorite items in a suitcase or a box they can open right away at the new home.
Even if you emptied the trash cans before the movers arrived, last-minute garbage always accumulates. Promptly throw away garbage and food left in the refrigerator in an outside receptacle so the movers don’t accidentally pack it.
Some moving companies will prepare a written inventory of your belongings, as an additional service. Review this inventory to ensure it is correct and complete. After you sign-off, the movers will strategically arrange your belongings in the truck.
At your new home, use the inventory as a checklist to quickly identify if something is missing.
Once a room is empty, check all the closets, drawers, cabinets, nooks and crannies in it to make sure nothing is left behind. Don’t forget about checking outside sheds, the garage, attic and basement. As you check each room, lock the doors to areas you no longer need access to.
A lot of shoes will be in and out of the house on moving day. You may also discover dust bunnies after the movers remove large pieces of furniture. After a room is empty, clean anything that became scuffed or dirty.
As you clean a room, make sure the locks on the windows are secure.
Be kind to the new people living in your home by setting appliances to a temperature that saves electricity and protects the home. Turn the temperature on the water heater down or off. If moving in the winter, turn the main water line off to prevent pipes from freezing and bursting if the house will be empty for a while.
If moving during the summer, adjust the thermostat so the home remains warm yet comfortable to prevent mold growth. During the winter, further prevent frozen pipes by setting the thermostat to a temperature that keeps the home from reaching below-freezing temperatures.
Before walking out the door, gather house keys from family members, friends and neighbors. Place them in a spot that’s easy to find. If renting your home, give the keys to the landlord. If you own the home, you may need to leave a key with your real estate agent or property manager. Don’t forget to gather garage door openers, too.
For expert tips about how to make moving day less stressful, get in touch with All Service Moving. As a five-star moving company in Oregon and Washington, we make every effort to make your moving day worry-free. Request your free estimate today.
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