
Our Leadership Team Knows Moving

All Service Moving Is Always Growing
Honed Moving Pros

All Service Moving’s executive team brings decades of experience to our company’s helm with a thorough understanding of residential and commercial logistics alongside our five-star service commitment.

Always seeking to make your move easier, our management personnel are continually expanding their skills to better assist our clients.

Expect excellence from yourself before you ask it of others

Frank Schott

Director of Morale

Matthew Schott

Chief Compliance Officer

Danielle Hartzog

Human Resources Director

Jonathan Powell

Oregon District Manager 

Kit Kohler

Sales Director

Corey Kennison

Portland Operations Manager

Ashlee Lowe

Sales Manager

Nelson Pagcanlungan

California District Manager

Pedro Olivas

Beaverton Operations Manager

Sara Bauman

Sales Supervisor

Ron Bailey

Washington District Manager