
Matthew Schott
Chief Compliance Officer

Matt Schott - Chief Compliance Officer

A member of All Service Moving’s executive team since 2006, Matt brings over 17 years of experience in the industry to our core leadership. As Chief Compliance Officer, Matt oversees staff comprehension and proficiency in safety protocol and moving business standards.

Under Matt’s leadership, All Service Moving boasts above-average FMCSA ratings for our industry – ensuring employee and client safety. Matt’s expert understanding of State and Federal statutes guarantee that our staff and equipment always meet and exceed regulations.

"A solid foundation is the base for successful execution"

Q & A with Matthew Schott

What do you consider your job description?
The moving business, especially interstate transport, is governed by a myriad of agencies to assure personnel, client, and property safety. My role is to understand these laws and forge policies that maintain ASM’s excellent regulatory record.

What skills do you bring to the playing field?
I believe the details make up the whole. I strive to do the heavy lifting in comprehending complex issues and enact policies our teams can understand and follow. Leadership capability and clear communication are essential in my everyday work.

What do you most enjoy about your job?
When I started here, we had one location and three trucks. Since then, we’ve grown exponentially, allowing for staff promotions and increased benefits for our employees each year. All Service Moving’s success is a team effort; every individual in the company contributes to our progress. I’m lucky that I get to be part of this amazing group and to promote our cohesive culture.

What are your secret superpowers or skills?
I am an expert rubber band ball creator. This is no small feat. I do not cheat, I use only found rubber bands, and my balls are the envy of the office.

When not at All Service Moving we’ll find you:
Spending time with my amazing wife and wonderful new daughter. Fatherhood and family is everything.

The one thing you can’t live without?
My morning shower, scalding hot. I head to work at about four or five every morning. That’s how I wake up, more so than coffee.

Personal motto?
Work hard, work smart.